Tuesday, October 8, 2019

New Lying Scandal Hits Warren As She Rises In Polls

Elizabeth Warren has been steadily rising in polling over the past few months, but her success has attracted some unwanted attention in the form of a skeleton emerging from her closet. On the campaign trail, Warren has often described how she was fired from her teaching position in 1971 because she was pregnant. Now, new evidence has emerged that suggests that the story is false.

The Washington Free Beacon reported that the minutes of the Riverdale N.J. Board of Education showed that Warren was unanimously offered an extension of her two-days-per-week speech pathologist job for a second year. At another board meeting two months later, the minutes record that Warren’s resignation was "accepted with regret." Fast-forward to 2019 and Warren says that’s her story and she’s sticking to it.

"All I know is I was 22-years-old, I was 6 months pregnant, and the job that I had been promised for the next year was going to someone else. The principal said they were going to hire someone else for my job," Warren told CBS News on Monday.

Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight tweeted of Warren’s new scandal, “It's interesting that it's circulating on both conservative Twitter and Bernie Twitter but getting almost no mainstream pickup.” This is perhaps unsurprising since Warren seems to be the favorite du jour of the progressive left, which includes many mainstream media outlets and journalists.

In a separate article, FiveThirtyEight analyzed Warren’s rise in the polls. Recent polling has shown that the Massachusetts senator’s support has begun to broaden beyond her liberal base to Democratic moderates and (relatively speaking) conservatives. She is also making gains among white voters without college degrees and black voters, two groups with which she has struggled.

“To be clear, Biden is still leading in the polls, but the distance between him and Warren has narrowed considerably,” writes Geoffrey Skelley of FiveThirtyEight. “There’s still a lot of progress left for Warren to make, particularly among voters of color, but for now, her trajectory for the 2020 Democratic nomination is moving in the right direction — up.”

It’s too early to tell whether PregnantTeacherGate will affect Warren’s upward trajectory but the misstatement of basic facts about her personal history leads to questions about her credibility. This is especially true in light of her previous false statements about her Native American ancestry.

In any other election, Warren’s fact-challenged biography might be a bigger problem, but in 2020 the other two frontrunners also have serious problems with the truth. Her chief competition for the Democratic nomination, Joe Biden, often has senior moments that seem to border on senility while President Trump’s factual missteps have achieved legendary status. I have to wonder whether truth will play a significant role in next year’s elections or whether America has moved beyond objective reality to a post-truth society.

Originally published on The Resurgent

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