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Jameela with Dustin Hoffman in 1996 (Courtesy of Jameela Barnette) |
As a follow up to the story last week about Jameela Barnette, the Marietta woman who allegedly mailed a pig foot to Rep. Peter King and a Curious George doll to N.Y. state Senator Greg Ball, Examiner.com spoke with Mrs. Barnette to find out just why she sent the packages to the lawmakers. In the story last week, Examiner.com detailed how Barnette was accused of sending anti-Semitic and anti-Christian letters along with a bloody pig foot and a stuffed Curious George doll emblazoned with anti-Semitic references. The story was simultaneously published on CaptainKudzu.com, where Jameela left several comments.
Mrs. Barnette says that her name is Jameela Barnette, in spite of initial reports that her first name was Jacquelyn. She is married with two daughters and one granddaughter. She is originally from California, but now lives in Marietta.
Mrs. Barnette confirms that she did send the letters, the pig foot, and the monkey to Rep. King and Sen. Ball. She provided copies of the letters sent to the lawmakers. As initially reported the letters would be deemed offensive and insulting, and probably alarming as well, by most people.
Mrs. Barnette was reportedly a blogger, but says that she does not have her own blog. She says that she posts on anti-Muslim websites such as Jihad Watch and Creeping Sharia. She has provided several examples of her “revelations,” some of which will be attached to this article as comments.
When asked whether she believes that her mailings broke the law, Mrs. Barnette states that she is certain that she did not. She states that she attended law school for a semester and that one of her daughters and a son-in-law are attorneys. She says that she does not have a prior criminal record and that she still has not been contacted by law enforcement. She does say that she sent Rep. King an email on a prior occasion. The congressman contacted the U.S. Capitol police, who then contacted Mrs. Barnette. She says that the matter never went any further. She also provided the author with a copy of a letter sent to Attorney General Eric Holder in November 2010 accusing Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) with treason for pledging allegiance to Israel. This letter can also be seen in a Facebook posting.
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Rep. Peter King |
According to inquiries with the U.S. Capitol police and the N.Y. State Police, the matter is under investigation. The F.B.I. declined to comment and the Marietta Police Department and G.B.I. say that they are not aware of the case. The letters are rife with hateful speech and insults, including an invitation for Rep. King to “kiss my black, Muslim-American a--” and a prophecy that Sen. Ball will contract prostate cancer, but seem to stop short of overt threats. She seems to have tried to avoid breaking the law, even while pushing the law’s limits to make her point.
What was her point exactly? In her words, “My only goal was to warn them of the coming torment of their Lord.” Mrs. Barnette is a Hanif Muslim. Hanif Islam’s adherents believe that it is a pure form of Islam that was originally practiced by Abraham, the Biblical patriarch. Hanifs are neither Sunni nor Shia. They reject the hadiths, traditions of the sayings and actions of Muhammad outside the Quran that are accepted by Sunnis and Shiites.
Mrs. Barnette says, “There is only one branch of Islam and it is called Hanif Islam, the religion of Abraham, who was a pure Muslim. Those who break themselves into sects (i.e. Shia and Sunni) have disobeyed their Lord, Allah, therefore there is no Shia and Sunni, only disobedient wanna-be [sic] Muslims.”
Mrs. Barnette, who typically signs her name with the terms “Messenger of Allah and Defender of Islam,” says that she does not attend a mosque because “because I choose not to be in the company of compliant and cowardly Muslims, who are not Muslims [emphasis hers] because they consider themselves ‘Moderate’ Muslims and they have compromised their religion away.”
Interestingly, Mrs. Barnette says that she used to be Jewish. She says that she attended Ohr Hatorah Synagogue in the Los Angeles area when she lived in California. After reading the Quran, she became convinced that it represented absolute truth. She says that both of her daughters still practice Judaism. Mrs. Barnette now believes the words of the Quran when it says that Jews were transformed by Allah into “monkeys and swine” (Surah 5:60).
Mrs. Barnette answers with a simple “yes” when asked if terrorist attacks and suicide bombings are justified. When asked whether she has any connection to groups that use violence or terror, she says,”Yes. By virtue of my citizenship, I am a citizen of the biggest terrorist group in the annals of history, the United States of America.”
She says that she does not hate the United States, however. “How can I hate the country that my ancestor’s slave labor built? I consider myself to be the Last American Patriot. Just because I don’t agree with the majority of Americans on foreign policy, doesn’t mean I hate my country. I love the country that my ancestor’s slave labor built. And on the Day of Resurrection, you will learn the majority was wrong about religion” [emphasis hers].
Whether she hates the U.S. or not, Mrs. Barnette would like to see it changed. She says that she would like to see Islamic law, referred to as sunnah, imposed on the United States, although she doesn’t believe it will happen in her lifetime. She quotes a hadith verse which says that “all mankind will be required to embrace Islam with no other alternative” (Abu Dawud 37:4310). Her letter to Rep. King looks toward a future where “America will be a bright, Muslim-friendly America, it will be an America where white b-----s will name their sons Mohammad and those former, blond-haired, blue-eyed, bible-belt b-----s will veil their dirty-white faces and the faces of their dirty-white daughters…” She says that America’s only option is to “accept defeat and embrace Islam.”
When asked who she voted for in the 2008 presidential election, Mrs. Barnette says that her vote for Barack Obama was “the worst mistake I can recall making in recent history. I miss President George Bush, as do most Americans.”

Jameela's Letter to Rep. King (expletives deleted)
Jameela Barnette
22 March 2010
Rep. Peter King
339 Cannon House Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20505
Asa Lamu Laikum You Dirty-white, Racist, Terrorist Dog,
I am returning to you a Jew foot I found lying around in a supermarket. I know it belongs to a Jew because it has a cloven hoof, the telltale signs of a cursed Jew. Please return the enclosed pig foot to your Jew master you rabid, Evangelical dog of extremely low intelligence. I am sure the evil Jew’s will return this pig hoof to Palestine for a proper burial befitting a Jew pig. The following Verse of the Qur’an proves that the enclosed pig hoof does belong to your Jew masters.
(Say [O Muhammad to the people of the Scripture): “Shall I inform you of something worse than that, regarding the recompense from Allah? Those [Jews] who incurred the Curse of Allah and His Wrath, and those of whom [some] He transformed into monkeys and swines, and those who worshipped Taghut [false deities]; such are worse in rank [on the Day of Resurrection in the Hell-fire], and far more astray from the Right Path [in the life of this world]”.)
The future of America will be a bright, Muslim-friendly America, it will be an America where white b-----s will name their sons Mohammad and those former, blond-haired, blue-eyed, bible-belt b-----s will veil their dirty-white faces and the faces of their dirty-white daughters and all will be well. You deluded, cannibalized, Christian ghouls have three options and those options are as follows:
1) Admit defeat and embrace Islam
2) Admit defeat and embrace Islam
3) Admit defeat and embrace Islam
Now I invite you to kiss my black, Muslim-American a-- if you can reach high enough you low crawling, deluded, ugly mutha f-----n a---wipe of the Jews. Now report me to the Capitol Police as you did the last time you f----n coward and I will give them Jew-worshippers the same invite I just gave you.
Kind Regards,
Jameela Barnette
Messenger of Allah
& Defender of Islam
Jameela's letter to Senator Ball (expletives deleted). Part 1
Jameela Barnette
...11 April 2011.
Senator Greg Ball.
817 Legislative Office Building Empire State Plaza.
Albany, NY 12247.
Asa Lamu Laikum Dead Man Walking,
Sinclair Lewis predicted: “…if Fascism ever came to America; it would be wrapped in a flag, carrying a cross…” and it is apparent that you are the proud, dirty-white, goose-stepping, cross bearing, flag-draped, Muslim-hating, Christian ghoul marching to your own destruction. Instead of bashing the intellectually superior Muslims, shouldn’t a handsome, cannibalized, crazy, Christian, cracker like yourself be in church chomping on Jew-god corpse and washing it down with Jew-god blood under the pretense of “Holy” Communion? Let it be known! We Muslims decline to dine on the flesh of Jesus Christ your human sacrifice, under any guise. As such, there will be no mass conversions from Islam to Christianity; a few Muslims will convert, but only those predestined to burn in the Hell-fire with the evil likes of you. Your participation in the 4/8/11 Declaration of War against Muslims under the guise of “Muslim Radicalization/Culture of Jihad Hearings” displayed a complete lack of Political Correctness on your part and because of your lack of “PC”, your Lord, Allah has cursed you with PC; prostate cancer. It will be very difficult for you to goose-step when your testicles swell to the size of soccer balls and your junk is flopping about your knees and your hubris and avarice are replaced with humility and exquisite pain.
Former president Ronald Reagan stated: “…self-defense is not only our right, it is our duty…” and should the hostile Jew’s succeed in whipping their Christian slaves into a Muslim-murdering, blood-thirsty frenzy, bent on the destruction of Islam; Homeland Security will come to know the real meaning of stealth. Muslims prefer peace; however the hostile jinn species are averse to peace and won’t allow it. Self-defense is my right and my duty and I always fulfill my duty, Insha Allah I will neutralize legions. And where in the f--k are my Reparations? I am requesting that you hold hearings to determine if the Reparations promised to African-Americans by the U.S. Government for centuries of brutal slavery was spent financing the Pig Poachers of Palestine’s brutal, satanic and sadistic enslavement of the Palestinians. Also, inform your colleagues that Allah will question you all about the Twilight Diet on the Day of Resurrection.
Jameela's letter to Senator Ball Part 2
I have included a gift for you, your own stuffed miniature Jew that you can worship in the privacy of your own home. The following Verse of the Qur’an confirms that your AIPAC jinn masters are nothing more than a rabid and perfidious mob of barn and zoo animals perpetrating as human beings and the plush monkey/miniature Jew I have gifted you with is an accurate representation of who the Jews are and what you stupid Christians worship. The Cannibal Cult of Christianity was not founded on facts nor faith, the Cannibal Cult of Christianity was founded on stupidity and conjecture and conjecture is no substitute for the truth. The Hell-fire will be brimming with the stupid aka Christians.
(Say [O Muhammad to the people of the Scripture): “Shall I inform you of something worse than that, regarding the recompense from Allah? Those [Jews] who incurred the Curse of Allah and His Wrath, and those of whom [some] He transformed into monkeys and swines, and those who worshipped Taghut [false deities]; such are worse in rank [on the Day of Resurrection in the Hell-fire], and far more astray from the Right Path [in the life of this world]”.)
Read the Qur’an and you will learn that Allah, the Lord of all that exists, sent to the Children of Adam, an Arab Prophet aka Prophet Mohammed {pbuh} because Adam, the first man and father of all humanity (non-Jews) was an Arab, as Adam spoke Arabic. This means the world’s entire population are of Arab descent, as we are all the Children of Adam, with the exception of the Jews, they are the Children of Israel aka Iblis aka Satan. Your dirty-white race is far removed from the racial purity of our Arab father Adam and by default, this makes your dirty-white race the morally and melanin depleted garbage race and not the master race, only master fools. Allah will dispose of your garbage race in the manner in which Allah Disposes of the garbage that He has created. Allah will burn your Jew-worshipping, dirty-white, garbage a----s in the Hell-fire on the Day of Resurrection, the Day when true justice shall prevail and not the corrupt, Judeo-Christian swine shit masquerading as American Values around the globe which will soon come to a brutal and decisive end, along with the demise of the Pig Poachers of Palestine.
I advise you to wake up from the American Dream, go to a physician and get your dirty-white garbage a-- examined and avoid Jew physicians, lest they harvest a kidney from you without your permission. I will be scanning the obituaries to read the end of your saga, which should read: AIPAC purchased, treasonous, scumbag politician and loyal a---wipe to his Jew masters, succumbs to prostate cancer. Now report me to the authorities, the same authorities who utterly failed to prevent and even embraced the hostile takeover of America by the hostile jinn species aka AIPAC. Enjoy your brief and evil life of fairy tales and hokum your evil Jew masters created for you because the Hell-fire is your final destination and the final destination of all your colleagues.
Kind Regards,
Messenger of Allah.
& Defender of Islam.
We are ALL Arabs, Except the Jews
(“I convey to you the Messages of my Lord and give sincere advice to you. And I know from Allah what you know not.”)
Allah reveals in the following Verse of the Qur’an the entire earth’s population are descendants of Adam, with the exception of the Jews, as they are the Children of Iblis aka Israel.
(O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his wife [Hawwa] (Eve)], and from them both He created many men and women; and fear Allah through Whom you demand (your mutual rights), and (do not cut the relations of) the wombs (kinship). Surely, Allah is Ever an All-Watcher over you.)
It is revealed in the following Hadith, that Adam spoke Arabic, which means Adam was an Arab, and ALL the Children of Adam are of Arab descent. And this is the reason Allah sent the Children of Adam an Arab Prophet aka Prophet Muhammad [phuh].
Narrated Abu Hurairah: The Prophet said, “Allah created Adam in His Image, sixty cubits (about 30 metres) in height. When He created him, He said (to him), “Go and greet that group of angels sitting there, and listen what they will say in reply to you, for that will be your greeting and the greeting of your offspring.” Adam (went and) said, “As-Salamu Alaikum [peace be upon you].” They replied, “As-Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah {Peace and Allah’s mercy be on you).” So they increased Wa Rahmatullah.” The Prophet added, “So, whoever will enter Paradise, will be of the shape and picture of Adam. Since then the creation of Adam’s {offspring} {i.e. stature of human beings} is being diminished up to the present time.
The dirty-white race is the race furthest removed from the racial purity of our Arab father Adam, and by default, this makes the dirty-white race the morally and melanin depleted garbage race and not the master race, only master fools. Allah will dispose of the dirty-white garbage race in the manner in which Allah Disposes of the garbage that He has created. Allah Will burn the dirty-white garbage race in the bowels of the Hell-fire for worshipping a murdered Jew as god, along with their evil Jew masters. Allah reveals the Jew’s father in the following Verse of the Qur’an:
(I (Allah) made them (Iblis and his offspring) not to witness (nor took their help in) the creation of the heavens and the earth and not (even) their own creation, nor was I (Allah) to take the misleaders as helpers.)
([This is the] Revelation sent down from the Lord of the Alamin [mankind, jinn and all that exists].)
([He is Allah] Owner of High Ranks and Degrees, the Owner of the Throne. He sends the revelation by His Command to any of His slaves He wills, that he (the person who receives revelation) may warn (men) of the Day of Mutual Meeting [i.e. the Day of Resurrection].
(And to warn those [Jews, Christians, and pagans] who say, “Allah has begotten a son [or offspring or children].”)
(No knowledge have they of such a thing, nor had their fathers. Mighty is the word that comes out of their mouths [i.e. He begot sons and daughters]. They utter nothing but a lie.)
(Your Ilah [God] is One Ilah [God-Allah, none has the right to be worshipped but He])
(“And indeed, We created man from dried [sounding] clay of altered mud. And the jinn, We created aforetime from the smokeless flame of fire.”).
(And I have created the jinn and men only to worship Me).
(And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.”)
Messenger of Allah
& Defender of Islam
18 April 2011
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