Monday, November 4, 2019

Pregnant Florida Woman Fends Off Home Invasion With AR-15

Proving once again that a legal gun in the hands of a law-abiding citizen can save lives, a pregnant Florida woman used an AR-15 to fight off attackers in her own home last week. Her actions may have saved the life of her husband and pre-teen daughter in addition to her own and the life of her unborn baby.
Tampa’s Spectrum News 9 reported that the wife of Jeremy King saved the family with her quick thinking and courageous action when two assailants broke into the family’s home in Lithia, Fla. at about 9:00 p.m. last Wednesday. The two men, who were armed, broke in and demanded money. The pair attacked King and grabbed his 11-year-old daughter.
“They came in heavily hooded and masked. As soon as they had got the back door opened, they had a pistol on me and was grabbing my 11-year-old daughter,” King said.
“I’m telling them, ‘I have nothing for you,’” King continued. “And they’re like, ‘Give me everything you got.’ It became real violent, real fast.”
The men were beating King when his wife, who is not named in the story, came out of the back bedroom to see what was happening. The home invaders shot at her and she retreated to the bedroom, where she grabbed the family’s AR-15. The eight-months pregnant woman then returned fire, causing the attackers to flee.
“When he came toward the back door in her line of sight, she clipped him,” King said. “He made it from my back door to roughly 200 feet out in the front ditch before the AR did its thing.”
The injured robber was later found dead in a nearby ditch. The second attacker fled the scene and is still at large.
King credits his wife with saving his life, saying, “Them guys came in with two normal pistols and my AR stopped it. (My wife) evened the playing field and kept them from killing me.”
Even with his wife’s intervention, King was severely injured in the attack. “I’ve got a fractured eye socket, a fractured sinus cavity, a concussion, 20 stitches and three staples in my head,” King told reporters. “I took a severe beating.”
Nevertheless, he and his daughter are alive thanks to his wife and the AR-15.
The incident proves once again the old saw that ” God made man, but Sam Colt made men – and pregnant mothers – equal.”

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